Thursday, September 23, 2021

How to solve Mibox keep disconnecting from wifi

Have you ever watch movies using Mibox but out of sudden the internet connection lost?

Try this simple step. Instead of connectiong to 5G wifi, just connect to your 2.4G wifi. 

Mibox seems has connection issue with 5G. Ya, thats all. 

So how to get the 2.4G wifi? Simple.

1. Login to your router. Link, default username and password are usually located under the router.

2. Rename your 2.4G as "YourWifi2.4G" and 5G wifi "YourWifi5G"
- do not rename both wifi with same name because only one name will appear when you want to look for wifi.

This is only one of the way to solve this problem. There are actually several ways to solve this. If you have any other solution, feel free to comment below.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Resignation letter

This is resignation letter template. Please feel free to use it.

{Your name}
{Your address}

{Letter's date}

{HR name}
{Company name}
{Company address}

Dear Sir,

RE: Notice of Resignation

Referring to the above matter; I hereby would like to tender my resignation as a {Your job title} in this company. My resignation will be effective today ({Todays date}) and my last working day will be on {Last day} ({Last date}) after serving my {your notice period. e.g. 1} months’ notice, offsetting {number of annual leave you have to shorten the notice period. e.g. 5} days from the remaining balance of my annual leave.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank You, my Team and the Management. I’m so grateful to be part of this organization. Thank you for all the support and guidance that had been given to me and I wish all the best for the company in future endeavors.

Thank you.

Yours truly,
{Your name}

CC: {Your manager's name}
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